
Old Letters and the Archives

My Family Connection

This week in class, I really enjoyed looking through the old letters from WWII soldiers. I loved how they gave us insight into their thoughts and how they experienced the war and life in general. I also enjoyed the connection to Muhlenberg they had and how excited they were to be writing back to the college. Similar to that activity, I also enjoyed looking through the Muhlenberg Weekly archives. It was so interesting to be able to go through all of the old editions and learn so much about the students who came before me. Speaking of students who came before me, both of my Dad’s parents attended Muhlenberg in the 60’s! So after learning how to search the archives with keywords, I thought I would see what I could find with my grandparent’s names. While I couldn’t find much of anything about my grandmother, there was so much information about my grandfather and his running career. No one in my family knew that he had run on the track team his freshman year, or that he had been so successful! This was something I am so excited I found and was able to share with my family. He passed back in 2019 so learning more about him now was amazing.

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